Know Your Customer
The Critical Role of Audio Analytics in Robocall Threat Mitigation Programs
STIR/SHAKEN + Analytics = Know Your Customer and Behaviors (KYCB)
This paper informs the reader about the relationship between wanted and unwanted robocalls, legal vs. illegal call spoofing and solutions for identifying spoofed and/or unwanted robocalls.
Simply put, Secure Telephony Identity Revisited and Secure Handling of Asserted information using toKENs (STIR/SHAKEN) represents a means of authenticating and verifying telephone calls.
Attestation Level
STIR/SHAKEN enabled networks originating calls must set the attestation level, which is passed through transit network providers (if any) to the terminating network.
Analytics Engines and Reasonable Analytics
Telephone number treatment options (normal, block, label, or redirect) are ultimately the responsibility of terminating networks, and service providers typically rely upon number scoring from Analytics Engines (AE) vendors to assist them with decision-making.
STIR/SHAKEN Data and Analytics Data
STIR/SHAKEN is highly effective at detecting certain types of spoofing, but can be ineffective at determining spoofing that is conducted in conjunction with unwanted robocall campaigns.